

The Board is made up of the Executive, Committees and Member Organisations. In addition, there are representatives from dioceses and an Episcopal Liaison, and the Board has links with a number of other national organisations.

ExecutiveThe Officers, together with representatives from committees and dioceses, manage the Board
Episcopal LiaisonAppointed by the Bishop’s Conference
Standing Committees and Working GroupsWork to raise awareness on areas of concern
Member organisationsAppointed representative(s) with voting powers
Link organisationsOrganisations where the NBCW has representation


OfficersPresidentPast PresidentVice PresidentsTreasurerSecretary
Amy CameronMargaret ClarkJacintha Bowe & Susan LonghurstBarbara CooksonClaire Paisley
Executive OfficersNikki PetchSophie RudgeSuzanne KowalDorothy Dodoo

Episcopal Link

The Bishops are responsible for the Governance of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. They hold a twice-yearly Conference. The Episcopal Liaison is the link between the Bishops’ Conference and the NBCW and acts as a two-way conduit. He attends the Conference and communicates the work and actions of the NBCW to the Bishops, and communicates to the NBCW the thoughts of the Bishops’ Conference on issues specific to the Board. The current Episcopal Link is Abbott Hugh O.Praem.

Standing Committees / Working Groups

To learn more about our work go to the Committees page.

Ecumenical and InterfaithSocial Responsibility
EducationWomen in the Church
InternationalViolence Against Women and Girls
Science, Environment and BioethicsCommunications Working Group

Member Organisations

British Federation of Notre Dame Associations
Catholic Association for Racial Justice
Catholic Peoples’ Week
Christian Life Community
Conference of ReligiousEmail:
English Society of the Grail
The Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Marriage Care
National Conference of Secular Institutes
National Justice and Peace Network
Newman Association
Pax Christi
Union of Catholic Mothers Wales
Women Word Spirit

Link Organisations

Faith-Based Links
Catholic Union of Great Britain
Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women
Women’s Interfaith Network
National Council for Lay Associations
World Day of Prayer
World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO)
Secular Links
National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (NAWO)
National Council of Women (NCW)