Let the light of the Risen Christ shine through in all the things that you say and do, within your family, with your neighbours, at work, and as you witness to Him in the world today.
Let us pray for that gift of peace, that the light of the world, may shine in the darkest places of our world today. Amen
Roll Back the Stone
When we are all despairing
when the world is full of grief,
when we see no way ahead,
and hope has gone away;
Roll back the stone.
Although we fear change:
although we are not ready:
although we’d rather weep
and run away,
Roll back the stone.
Because we’re coming
with the women;
because we hope
where hope is vain;
because you call us from
the grave
and show the way
Roll back the stone.
Janet Morley
We need hope for the future
in our nostalgia
for half forgotten summer days
long past
We need hope of pardon
in our regrets
which drift through our minds
like autumn clouds of dying leaves.
We need hope of comfort
in our fears and anxieties
fed by the long hours of darkness
in winter.
Hope of the world,
born in midwinter
give us hope
at your coming
so that we may be newly created
with you on Easter Day.