On Saturday 13th July 2024, A&B Merstham Foundation Union of Catholic Mothers celebrated their 60th Anniversary at St. Teresa’s Church.
Foundation member and UCM National President, Joan Hodge presented current President, Janet Franklin with the 60th Anniversary Certificate. New Diocesan President, Eileen Harris MBE, was also there to cut the
anniversary cake.
The UCM Chapter still has two of their founding members playing a role in the group: Jean
Longley and Audrey Langley. In January this year Jean Longley celebrated her 99th birthday. She has been involved at National, Diocesan and Foundation levels and still enjoys hearing the latest news.
Sue Petritz, the NBCW Diocesan link for Arundel and Brighton, was able to attend in order to extend warm congratulations on behalf of the NBCW for this fantastic anniversary.